Bristol Gynaecology Oncology Course

1st - 2nd February 2024 | Online via Zoom

Event overview

University Hospitals Bristol and the Royal College of Radiologists are collaborating to run the Bristol Gynaecology Oncology Course 2024. This two-day online course supports senior trainees planning to specialise in Gynae Oncology Surgery or Oncology, Junior Oncology or Gynae Oncology Consultants, Medical and Clinical Oncologists.

This programme will cover topics including early diagnostics, genetics and screening strategies, menopause in gynaecological cancers, an update on surgical gynae clinical trials, systematic treatments, complex radiotherapy and brachytherapy overview in gynaecological cancers. There will be opportunities for delegates to bring their own complex cases and questions in advance of the course for the faculty to prepare for discussion.

This event will be hosted on the zoom webinar platform.

Led by:

Dr Hoda Al-Booz, Consultant, Clinical Oncology, University Hospitals Bristol
Dr Gemma Cass, Consultant in Gynae-Oncology, University Hospitals Bristol

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