Basingstoke Training Opportunity
The Peritoneal Malignancy Institute at Basingstoke has offered a fantastic training opportunity for gynaecological oncology subspecialty trainees from all RCOG accredited training centres in the UK to undertake a fixed term, 3-6-month fellowship (paid post).
The successful candidates will join the team of surgeons at this world-renowned centre of excellence in the management of pseudomyxoma peritonei and bowel cancer and will attend theatre sessions, outpatient clinics, MDT meetings and will participate in the daytime management of postoperative patients on the ward and intensive care unit.
This BGCS supported fellowship provides a unique opportunity for the successful candidate to improve skills in peritoneal surgery, colorectal and upper abdominal surgery, perioperative management of complex surgical patients, and setting up and running a peritoneal surgical centre. By the end of the fellowship, the successful candidate is expected to acquire the holistic approach to patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis and to be able to translate this into the management of patients with advanced ovarian cancer. This fellowship carries an opportunity to contribute towards several modules of the gynaecological oncology subspecialty curriculum.
The interviews are held once a year with the aim to fill the next year’s posts in advance. For further information, please contact Mr Tom Cecil at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospitals NHS Trust ( or Mr Janos Balega on behalf of the BGCS (
Dear Subspecialty Trainees,
We are happy to announce that the advertisement for next year’s peritoneal cancer fellowship at Basingstoke will soon be published on NHS Jobs. This is an exciting opportunity for gynaecological oncology subspecialty trainees from an RCOG accredited training centre in the UK to undertake a fixed term, 3-month fellowship at the Peritoneal Malignancy Institute at Basingstoke. The successful candidate will join the team of surgeons at this world-renowned centre of excellence in the management of pseudomyxoma peritonei and bowel cancer, and will attend theatre sessions, MDT meetings and will participate in the daytime management of postoperative patients on the ward and intensive care unit.
This BGCS supported fellowship provides a unique opportunity to the successful candidate to improve skills in peritoneal surgery, colorectal and upper abdominal surgery, perioperative management of complex surgical patients. By the end of the fellowship, the successful candidate is expected to acquire the holistic approach to patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis and to be able to translate this to the management of patients with advanced ovarian cancer. This fellowship carries an opportunity to contribute towards several modules of the of the gynaecological oncology subspecialty curriculum.
The successful candidate will participate in the data collection and input into the peritoneal carcinomatosis database and will have an opportunity to work on a project and publish the results. During this fellowship, there is also an opportunity to complete the European School of Peritoneal Surface Oncology Training Programme by ESSO. The British Gynaecological Cancer Society provides grants that can contribute towards the costs of the ESSO training programme.
For further information, please contact Mr Janos Balega Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, supervisor of the programme on behalf of the BGCS (