
Here is a list of contact details for the British Gynaecological Cancer Society

The BGCS has three officers accountable for its function: The President, the Secretary and the Treasurer. All serve for a period of three years.  There is also a part-time administrative assistant for the BGCS, please see below for further information.

Officers’ details

President: Mr Stephen Dobbs
Centre: Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Belfast City Hospital

Honorary Secretary: Mr Ketankumar Gajjar
Centre: Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Nottingham University Hospital

Honorary Treasurer: Mr Andrew Phillips
Centre: Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Royal Derby Hospital

Administration & Co-ordination: Deborah Lewis
Deborah Lewis is the part-time administrative assistant for the BGCS. This is a non-elected post and is not a fixed term.  Please note that my working days are Monday and Friday.