Please see below for current Council members.
Mr Stephen Dobbs
Hon Secretary
Mr Ketankumar Gajjar
Hon Secretary
Mr Andrew Phillips
Clinical Oncology Rep
Dr Hoda Al-Booz
Midlands Rep
Mr Viren Asher
Chair, Training Subgroup
Mr Simon Butler-Manuel
Mr Kiong Chan
South East of England Rep
Mr Omer Devaja
Radiology Representative
Dr Sue Freeman
South West of England Representative
Mr Jonathan Frost
Chair Professional and Public Engagement subgroup
Dr Sadie Jones
Unit Lead Representative
Ms Amy Keightley
Medical Oncology Representative
Dr Rebecca Kristeleit
Scotland Representative
Dr Rhona Lindsay
Nurses Representative
Mrs Hilary Maxwell
Ireland Rep
Mr Mark McComiskey
NCRI Representative
Prof Iain McNeish
Chair, Non-Surgical Oncology Subgroup
Dr Agnieszka Michael
Fundraising Officer
Dr Tracie Miles
Trainee Rep
Dr Alison Montgomery
Co-Chair Guidelines Subgroup
Miss Jo Morrison
North West of England Rep
Miss Eva Myriokefalitaki
NCRI Chair
Dr Shibani Nicum
London Representative
Mr Saurabh Phadnis
Ms Bavita Rai
Chair Professional Development Subgroup
Dr Nithya Ratnavelu
East of England Representative
Mr Barnaby Rufford
North East of England Representative
Mr Stuart Rundle
Wales Representative
Ms Aarti Sharma
Professor John Shepherd
Co-Chair Guidelines Subgroup
Dr Alexandra Taylor
Pathology Rep
Dr Jason Wong
Chair, Commissioning Subgroup
Mr Nick Wood