Previous prize winners

The BGCS Officers and Trustees are happy to announce the following prize/award winners


Dr Aiste McCormick
Subspeciality Trainee in Gynaecological Oncology, Glasgow Royal Infirmary
£1000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Dr Anna Collins
Subspecialty Trainee in Gynaecology Oncology, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust
£1000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Dr Ayisha Ashmore
Research Fellow, Royal Derby Hospital, University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Trust
£1000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Marleen Boonstra
Msc. Biomedical sciences, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
£100 – Medical Student Project Prize

Mr Faisal Karim
The Royal Marsden Hospital & The Institute of Cancer Research
“The effects of hyperthermic intraperitoneal and systemic chemotherapy on the peritoneal microenvironment of high-grade serous ovarian cancer.”
£9,500  – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant

Dr Yong Sheng Tan
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
“Immunoscore: quantifying the immune landscape in ovarian cancer”
£9,997.90 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant

Dr Dominic Blake
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead
£1,000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Dr Audrey Kwong
Pan Birmingham Gynaecological Cancer Centre
£1,000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Dr Faiza Gaba
The Royal Marsden Hospital, London
£1,000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Dr Jacqueline Sia
Queen Mary University of London
£1,000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship

Stergios Bobotis
£100 – Medical Student Project Prize


Dr Harpreet Kaur
The Princess Royal Hospital, Telford
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize

Dr Alistair Ward
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize

Dr Sarah Coleridge
£1000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Dr Holly Baker-Rand
University of Manchester
Body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness changes in patients with overweight and endometrial cancer participating in pre-operative intentional weight loss to support post-operative recovery: a sub-study within the ENDO-CARE feasibility randomised controlled trial
£6368.61  – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant

Dr Racheal Johnson
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
An evaluation of primary treatment decisions and outcomes of patients with advanced endometrial cancer in the UK
£10,000 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant

Dr Gabriella Yongue
University College Hospital
Personalised Treatment of Cancer Therapy Induced Menopause
£10,000 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant

Miss Dhivya Chandrasekaran
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, University College Hospitals NHS Trust.
Implementation and evaluation of streamlining gynae-oncology multidisciplinary team meetings
£10,000 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant

Dr Olabisi Ogunbiyi
Internal Medicine Trainee (Year 1), Medical Oncology, UCLH
£250 – Non O&G Trainee Project Prize
The Oncological and Reproductive Outcomes of Fertility-preserving Treatments for Stage 1 Grade 1 Endometrial Carcinoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.  Running Head: Fertility-Preserving Treatments for Endometrial Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

Dr Xuan Mai Khanh Kieu
ST1, Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize
Streamlining administrative processes: Analyzing Waiting Time for Reporting Results to 2-Week Wait Gynecology Oncology patients.

Dr Waziri Addo Yobo
Research Fellow, Nottingham University Hospitals
£6438.73 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant
‘Vibrational Spectroscopy as a triage tool within the Post-Menopausal Bleeding Diagnostic pathway for Endometrial Cancer (SPEED II)’

Dr Aiste McCormick
SST Gynae Oncology, Glasgow
£1000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship
‘To develop laparoscopic skills at 2 centres’

Mr David Milliken
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
£1000 – BGCS Surgical Travelling Fellowship
National Pseudomyxoma centre, Basingstoke’

Dr Irene Ray
Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
£250 – BGCS O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Adipocytokines and their relationship to obesity and endometrial cancer’




Miss Faiza Gaba
Sub Specialty Fellow in Gynaecological Oncology Department of Gynaecological Oncology, The Royal London Hospital, Barts Health NHS Trust
£15,000 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant
‘Human Factors Involved in the integration of Robotic Surgery in Gynaecological Oncology Practice (GO SOAR3)’

Dr Naveena Singh
Consultant Pathologist, Barts Health NHS Trust
£15,000 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant
‘Reporting Oestrogen Receptor Immunohistochemsitry in Endometrial Carcinomas with No Specific Molecular Profile’

Miss Jo Morrison
Consultant Gynaecological Oncologist, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
£1000 – BGCS Surgical Travelling Scholarship Award
‘National Pseudomyxoma centre, Basingstoke’

Dr Gemma Owens
Gynaecological Oncology Subspecialty Fellow, University Hospital of Wales
£1000 – GO Subspecialty Trainee Travelling scholarship award
‘Visit to 2 UK centres with expertise in radical cytoreductive surgery for advanced and relapsed ovarian cancer’

Dr Konstantinos Kechagias
Imperial College, London
£250 – BGCS O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Primary melanoma of the cervix uteri: A systematic review of the reported cases’

Dr Emmanouil Katsanevakis
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
£250 – BGCS O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Clinicopathologic features and outcomes of mucinous ovarian cancers: a retrospective study and a cost-effectiveness analysis’

Dr Hania Hussain
King’s College, London
£100 – Medical Student Project Prize
”Streamlining Care For Patients Who Present with Ovarian Pathology’



Esther Moss
Associate Professor of Gynaecological Oncology, Leicester Cancer Research Centre, University of Leicester
£15,000 – BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant
‘Understanding seldom heard voices: Black African, Caribbean, Black British and Mixed-Black women’s views and experiences of endometrial cancer diagnosis, diagnostic pathways, and treatment in the UK’

Anastasios Tranoulis
£1,000 – RCOG/BGCS Subspecialty Trainee Travelling Fellowship
Subspecialty Fellow in Gynaecological Oncology, The Pan Birmingham Gynaecological Oncology Centre

Halimah Alazzani
ST5 O&G, the Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize
“Nurse Lead Follow up service for Early stage Endometrial Cancer Patients”.

Jack Lowe-Zinola
ST4 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Good Hope Hospital, University Hospitals Birmingham
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize
“A population based study of tertiary gynaecological cancer services during the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Peter Ode-Owegie
ST5 Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize
“Skinning wide local excision with delayed healing for the surgical treatment of vulval intraepithelial

Sebnem Selek
O&G ST1 HEEoE, Southend University Hospital
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize
“A pilot study from a tertiary centre evaluating the quality of life following bowel resection as part of cytoreduction for advanced stage epithelial ovarian cancer: Ostomy vs Anastomosis”.

Alistair Ward
ST6 Obstetrics and Gynaecology Specialist Registrar, St Richard’s Hospital. Chichester
£250 – O&G Trainee Project Prize
“Management of ovarian cancer in the elderly: an age stratified study of a gynaecological cancer centre in Southern England”.

Jameela Sheikh
£100 – Medical Student Project Prize
4th year medical student, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham
“Identifying strategies to support gynaecological cancer patients and carers during COVID-19: learning from patient – charity interactions”.



Andy Nordin
East Kent Gynaecological Oncology Centre
£15,000 BGCS Audit, benchmarking and research project grant
‘National Ovarian Cancer Feasibility Audit Pilot’

Katie Birt
University of Edinburgh
£100 Medical Student Project Prize
‘Long Term Follow up of Ovarian Mucinous Tumours’

Ella Buluwela
University of Edinburgh
£100 Medical Student Project Prize
‘A review of the outcomes of patients undergoing laparoscopic assessment of advanced ovarian cancer at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh’.

Sam Oxley
£250 O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing neo-adjuvant chemotherapy for epithelial ovarian cancer– time for routine thromboprophylaxis?’.

Niamh Haughey
Belfast City Hospital
£250 O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Nerves injuries following Radical Gynaecological Oncology Surgery’.

Faiza Gaba
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary
£250 O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Attitudes towards Risk Reducing Early Salpingectomy with Delayed Oophorectomy for Ovarian Cancer Prevention: a Cohort Study’.

Camille Smyth
Princess Royal Hospital, Shrewsbury
£250 O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Achieving the New 28-Day Faster Diagnosis Standard in Post-Menopausal Bleeding’.

Radwa Hablase
Princess Royal Hospital, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, Kent Sussex and Surrey
£250 O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Robotic –assisted Gynaecology Surgery in the very elderly population, Audit of The Thirty-Day mortality and morbidity in the octogenarians’.

Radha Graham
£250 O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Conservatively managed endometrial cancer: a single centre experience’.

Lusine Sevinyan
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals and Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust
£250 Non O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Research aimed for improving effectiveness in shared decision-making amongst women undergoing surgical treatments for gynaecological malignancy and accuracy of postoperative complication rates: P-POSSUM vs ACS-NSQIP’.

Julia Roope
Princess Royal Hospital, Telford
£250 Non O&G Trainee Project Prize
‘Designing an error-proof system for review of gynaecological test results: A Quality Improvement Project’.


Hilary Maxwell
CNS Dorset County Hospital and Chair of GO Girls Charity
£1000 BGCS Nurse and Allied Health Practitioner Travelling Fellowship
‘To attend a London Teaching Hospital to explore methods for dealing with the longer term consequences of ovarian cancer diagnosis and treatment, in particular concentrating on the unmet psychological needs.  The aim of the fellowship is to support future service development in my own unit’

Fani Kokka
Consultant in Gynaecological Oncology
East Kent Gynaecological Oncology Centre, Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother Hospital
£1000 BGCS Surgical Travelling Fellowship
‘To attend the Gynaecological Oncology Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospital to observe practice in the management of advanced ovarian cancer and the technique of sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of endometrial and cervical cancer.’

Nilab Asifi
4th Year Medical Student
Queen’s University Belfast
£100 Medical Student Project Prize

Natasha White
Intercalating Medical Student
Queen’s University Belfast
£100 Medical Student Project Prize
‘Completed a clinical research project involving a retrospective review of secondary cytoreductive surgery for recurrent ovarian cancer.  This was presented at a Hospital Audit Meeting and as an oral presentation at the BGCS Annual Scientific Meeting 2019, Cambridge.  Both applicants contributed equally and significantly to this project during their special studies module in gynaecological oncology.’

Elizabeth Walne
Advanced Specialist Practitioner in the late effects of pelvic radiotherapy
Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
£1000 Nurse and Allied Health Practitioner Traveling Fellowship
‘A scoping visit to two late effects services to discuss how they operate and see the service in action.  To Attend the Pelvic Radiation Disease Association (PRDA) annual conference in London. To attend ‘The long term GI consequences of cancer treatment: a refresher for clinical nurse specialists’ at the Royal Marsden Hospital.’